It’s Plastic-Free July!

Happy July 3RD! It’s not too late to join in on Plastic Free July. Maybe you’ve read my other posts, “Slowly Approaching Zero Waste, Part I + II“… and if you have, this is another great way to keep yourself accountable (and to learn new methods on how to adopt a plastic-free lifestyle).I know that it may seem a bit daunting. For me, even with my lifestyle changes in approaching zero waste, I already feel like I’m setup to fail. But that shouldn’t stop me from challenging myself to be even more mindful about what I’m buying and how I can continue to change things up, since we are literally surrounded by plastic. It’s like sugar – it’s everywhere and really hard to avoid. I signed up for this campaign online, it gave me some options that allowed me to breathe a little:The Plastic Free July campaign website also has resources and ideas on how to conquer the challenge, as well as a quiz (once you sign up) to understand your current use of plastics.Going completely plastic-free doesn’t have to be done perfectly. To have 100,000 people do this imperfectly is better than 100 people doing it perfectly. Consider the changes you can make to better the place we live!


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